World Health Organization releases official COVID-19 coronavirus app

It has health tips, news, and frequent questions all in one place

Google quickly cracked down on apps claiming to help diagnose or detect the COVID-19 coronavirus, except those verified to come from health agencies. Now the World Health Organization (WHO) has published an Android app for COVID-19, designed to offer basic safety guidance and provide up-to-date news.

The app is somewhat basic, but it acts as a decent centralized hub for all the information you might want to know about the coronavirus to stay safe — protection instructions, questions and answers, travel advice, news alerts, and so on.

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World Health Organization releases official COVID-19 coronavirus app was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

Android, Applications, coronavirus, COVID-19, Gadget, News, Technology, who, World Health Organization

Android, Applications, coronavirus, COVID-19, Gadget, News, Technology, who, World Health Organization

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